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 Price list

My prices are simple:


$150.00 per hour. 1 hour minimum


This includes 20 images proofed and touched up and a DVD of the images with copy write release (number of images may vary based upon type of event).


I don't believe in making money off of you with prints, I am not a printer.


I do not believe in making money off you with an album, I am not a publisher.


I am a photographer and I make money by providing you with images, images you can use as you please and reproduce as often as you like.


If you would like prints, I will refer you to a printer.  If you would like an album, I have a referral for that too.


My goal is to keep it simple, if you would like more images on the DVD than listed, I will work with you!


Feel free to contact me with any questions.


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